Inflowmatix Ltd.
From March 2020 I have been working as a remote engineer for Inflowmatix. Initially as a Frontend Engineer, then as Lead Full Stack Developer for the InflowNet App team.
Throughout my role I have worked end-to-end across the stack with a React frontend, GraphQL server backend, AWS Lambda stack and Terraform deployment. Also the app interfaces with external platforms such as a localisation manager.
Duties include:
- Delivering new features
- Website maintainance work
- Scoping new features
- Liasing with other teams and app users
- Task management (tickets, features, support)
- Onboarding new developers
- Performing app support
- Overseeing development of Webapp, GraphQL API and Lambda stack
- Assisting in production deployments
- Monitoring WebApp performance and screening frontend bugs
Tech stack includes: React, Enzyme, Jest, Javascript ES7+, Nodejs, CSS Modules, AWS Lambdas, EC2, S3, Cloudwatch & Cognito, Terraform, SQL, Knex + Objection, GraphQL, Apollo, Crowdin, D3, Serverless and others